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Waverley Primary School


ONE (Owl North East Academy)

Centralised policies, please use the following link:

ONE Trust - Policies (


  1. Pupils-Parents-and-Guardians-Privacy-Notice-v5
  2. Governors-or-Trustees-and-Volunteers-Privacy-Notice-v3
  3. Workforce-Privacy-Notice-All-Schools-v1
  4. Acceptable Use Policy
  5. Accessing Cloud Services on Personal Devices Policy
  6. Admissions policy 2023-2024
  7. Admissions policy 2024-2025
  8. Admissions policy 2025-2026
  9. Anti Bullying Policy
  10. Appraisal Policy
  11. Archive Policy
  12. Assertive Discipline and Positive Behaviour Management policy
  13. Attendance Policy
  14. Behaviour Policy
  15. Charging and Remissions Policy
  16. Complaints Procedure
  17. Data Protection Policy
  18. Designated Teacher for looked after and previously looked after children
  19. Dignity at work policy
  20. E-Safety Policy
  21. Early Years Foundation Stage Policy
  22. Educational Visits Policy
  23. Emergency Evacuation Policy
  24. Equal Opportunities and Accessibility Policy
  25. Equality Information and Objectives
  26. Exclusion Policy
  27. Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
  28. General Data Protection Regulations policy
  29. Governor Allowances
  30. Handling and Safekeeping for DBS Certifcates Policy
  31. Health & Safety Policy
  32. Healthy Eating Policy
  33. Homework policy
  34. ICT Information Security and Acceptable Use Policy
  35. Induction of Newly Qualified Teachers Policy
  36. Induction Policy
  37. Information Policy
  38. Information Security Incident Reporting Policy
  39. Information Security Policy
  40. Internet Policy
  41. Lettings Policy
  42. Managing Concerns Low Level
  43. Managing Intimate Care Policy
  44. Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints Policy
  45. Managing under performance policy
  46. Marking Policy
  47. Missing Child Policy
  48. model-publication-scheme
  49. Nursery admissions policy 2023-2024
  50. Nursery admissions policy 2024-2025
  51. Nursery admissions policy 2025-2026
  52. Phonics and Early Reading Policy May 2023
  53. Physical Education Policy
  54. Policy for the Induction of Newly Qualified Teachers
  55. Relationships and Sex Education
  56. Responding to a missing child
  57. RSE and Health Ed update June 22
  58. Safeguarding and child protection policy 2023- 2024
  59. safer recruitment & Single central record policy
  60. Special Category Data Policy
  61. Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Policy
  62. Staff-Wellbeing-Policy
  63. Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs
  64. Uniform Policy
  65. Waverley Uniform and Dress Code
  66. Whistle blowing Policy
  67. Young Carers Policy