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Miss Douse is our SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator), Mrs Selkirk is our Pastoral Leader and Mrs Leeming are the SEND team who are all responsible for our SEND offer at Waverley. They work closely with teachers and outside agencies to ensure the best possible provision for pupils with SEND. The Newcastle Local Offer is a way of letting families know the services that are available locally and how to access them; from specialist social care services, to universal sports activities. It is also a way of finding out which services we need in Newcastle. Our school has recently received the Newcastle City Inclusion Mark for our work in this area. Follow the link below to view the Newcastle Families website and view the information at the bottom of this page.

The Team liaise with teachers and pupils on a daily basis so that pupils needs are addressed with first class teaching and through additional support at other times. Mrs Selkirk coordinates our pastoral support and is always on hand to talk to pupils and parents or to support with accessing of Local Authority Services. Her work ranges from parenting support; to attendance issues or support for assistance with transition to high school. Anyone with a concern can come into school for a chat - any matter impacting upon the well-being of pupils or progress is our concern, and we are here to assist in whatever way we can. Mrs Selkirk works closely with the SENCO and Headteacher on all matters concerning pupil progress and welfare.

Mrs Douse (School Business Manager) takes responsibility in school for ensuring appropriate provision is made for pupils with particular medical needs. Waverley works in close partnership with the Outer West Nursing Team. Whilst we do not have a named health visitor we are able to access members of this team who can assist and advise on a wide range of matters.

If you have any concerns with regard to Special Educational Needs you can contact SEND team on 01912674549 or by email on